• 'Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning' Creative teachers, Facilitators and Group Leaders Courses

    6 day trainings, shorter workshops and consultancy

  • Robin's Full Re-edited, Reformatted 3rd Edition Book

    Now over 5000 copies sold

  • Robin's New Dynamic Groups Book Due for Release Mid 2016

    Robin's partner Rob Clark has just produced a stunning flier about it

  • Brand New 'Permaculture Principles Card Game'

    PLUS 'Creative Process Wild Cards'

  • Introducing ELFy The Magician to the World

    DaDarrr! Mascot, champion and colourful jigsaw puzzle symbol for Dynamic Groups

  • 'The Love Feast' Dynamic Relationships Retreat and Methodology

    Shorter workshops and private couples sessions available

Recent Posts

Facilitation, Teaching and Group Leadership 2021

Hello Wonderful Community and Heart Centred Practitioners.

Many of you know the core work Robin offers in the world. As well as Permaculture, her key focus and offering is the ‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ courses, workshops, writings and educational resources.

Robin Facilitating CoLab
Weaving a ‘web of connection.’

She feels very strongly that to support our world, our communities and positive change in education, the environment, social and political challenges etc we need people who are well skilled and trained in facilitation and group work.

Groups form the basis of much positive action and community building. Education creates the backbone of new foundations and for learning a positive, peaceful and powerful way forward for our children, youth and also adults needing more tools, ideas and purpose.

If our groups are well facilitated and work easily together, they are more effective at meeting their purpose and everything works out better for everyone, including all the people who benefit from the group and also, our world, if the group has a People Care and/or Earth Care focus.

Many of us have great skills and wisdom to share.

poster for Dynamic Groups courseThe ‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ 6 day training equips people with the skills, confidence, tools and processes to support all kinds of groups and educational situations in a creative, interactive and empowering way.

The annual Crystal Waters course is from 21st to 26th March and you’re invited to consider attending if you are involved or would like to be more involved in education, training, group work and facilitation.

If any of your family, friends or colleagues might be interested, you passing this info on would be much appreciated. Here’s the poster and thank you so much for your support.

Healthy Groups, Healthy People, Healthy Planet- Social Permaculture for Times of Change

Robin Clayfield and Erin Young will be offering their annual Social Permaculture Weekend on 12th and 13th September 2020 with this relevant and potent theme.

Healthy Groups, Healthy People, Healthy Planet – Social Permaculture for Times of Change.

In these potent and changing times, the healthy functioning of our groups, communities and ourselves is vital to provide resilient and cohesive responses for a better world.

Social Permaculture uses natural patterns, cycles, rhythms and influences to guide how we care for self, kin and community.

When groups, learning environments and social systems apply permaculture principles, they work effectively and harmoniously together toward their aim and purpose, benefiting our world.

Robin Clayfield pioneers Social Permaculture globally; a respected facilitator, author and elder, creatively and passionately contributing to a healthy planet.

Erin Young is a facilitator & coach of holistic leadership and group design; helping both individuals and collectives to be adaptive, responsive and effective.

Experience this unique, motivating and creative weekend adventure to upskill with explorative experiences in working with Social Permaculture and Dynamic Group culture.

Care for yourself, your people and your groups by attending and sharing these gifts with your community.

Join us to upskill in:
    * using permaculture principles for social change and people care
    * accessible regenerative social design tools for earth care, people care and fair share
    * group effectiveness, dynamics, ecology and group-work skills
    * how to work effectively together for long-lasting change

Contact Robin for more information

Colour Codes for Activities and Elements of the ‘Dynamic Teaching and Facilitation’ Book Series

The Design for the book series is well under way and Mini-Book I is in progress with formatting, proof reading and last additions. It is soon to be edited before the final layout and design is completed.

A colour coding system has been designed to easily show readers all the activities. They will certainly stand out from the general text, having a distinct heading and delightful background colouring and design. The various Processes described in the book will have their own unique heading and design, as will the quotes and the visualisations which are sprinkled throughout. This image is an example of the Activity Coding, though it hasn’t had words typed over the background.

Intention for ‘Dynamic Teaching and Facilitation’ Book Series

Robin Clayfield profile pic“I assist the gaining of skills and knowledge plus the progress of the group and each individual in an active, energetic, meaningful, smooth and progressive way. This enables outcomes of success, achievement of individual and group goals, enhanced learning, fun, motivation, support and innovation, for a better world.”

Thank  you, Robin Clayfield

Beautiful Artwork, Design and Formatting will add Colour and Flare to the ‘Dynamic Teaching and Facilitation’ Book

Robin’s long awaited first book in the ‘Dynamic Teaching and Facilitation’ series has now gone to four proofreaders and three general readers for their review and feedback. In it’s fourth draft and being ‘The Foundations’,  it’s taken awhile to get it right. 

Beautiful Artwork by Brenna Quinlan and Meg Clark’s Design and Formatting Work will add Colour and Flare to Robin’s New Book

Brenna was commissioned to create seven ‘Art Maps’ to grace the beginning of seven of the main chapters. They are ‘Mind Maps’ but with the words transformed into art. The delightful and soft pastel colours that Brenna is famous for has given designer and formatter Meg an additional theme to incorporate into the creative touches and elements of the book.

The image shown is for the ‘Ethics, Principles, Values and Needs’ chapter and shows all the topic headings covered in the chapter.

To find out more or support the book email Robin

‘Formidable Vegetable’ Music Band and Charlie McGee at Crystal Waters Eco Village

It’s been a bit of a secret but now that it’s only 10 days away it’s probably OK to share that Charlie McGee is making his way over in his house truck from his home in WA to be part of Robin’s annual ‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ 6 day Creative Facilitation and Teacher Training.

Already a dynamic performer, teacher and professional public figure, Charlie’s involvement in the course will be a great addition to the group of wonderful people coming together for the course.

Robin didn’t want to promote the course based on Charlie’s involvement as she wanted it to ‘sell it’self’ and attract the people who were really keen to be there anyway.

The big bonus is that Robin will be organising a super big gig for Charlie and his full band the night after the course finishes at Crystal Waters. Mal Webb and Kylie Morrigan from Melbourne will be travelling up to join Charlie and the night promises to be a huge and joyous experience for celebrating Life, Permaculture Living, Earth Care, People Care and all that’s good in our world. There will be a few surprises for sure and definitely lots of dancing.

Come join in on Saturday 21st March at Crystal Waters Eco Village from 6pm for dinner, pizza, chai etc and music from  7pm. There will be a bar as a fundraiser for Crystal Waters Community Co-op. Bookings are here.

The Facebook event with more info, cost etc and to see more current additions and info is here.