Tag Archives: Rob Clark

Beautiful Labyrinth and Ceremonies at Woodford Folk Festival

Once again the Sacred Union Labyrinth at Woodford Folk Festival was magnificent and loved and appreciated by thousands of people over the 6 day festival. Robin and her troupe of 14 instillation artists, 7 Ceremony holders, 8 musicians and performers plus 2 sound technicians and 2 stage managers provided by the festival created the best ever Labyrinth and surrounds, enhanced by powerfully held, exquisite ceremonies with delightful music by The Sacred Union Labyrinth Band. Other performances and acts graced the space and featured Andy Copeman and his MedicineManMusic, Heather Price and her Healing with the Drum Journeys, Malcolm Fielding’s minstrelling and Rob Clark as Djuelu the Village Scribe, capturing words of wisdom and essence for participants of the Ceremonies. Here’s the link to our FaaceBook page if you’d like to like us and see what we’re up to. Stay tuned for The Sacred Union Labyrinth at The Planting Festival which …

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The Joining Gathering – A new Retreat Feel for September 2019

Both Robin and her partner Rob attended the annual Joining Gathering in September. Robin facilitated a powerful and transformative workshop entitled ‘Supporting Each Other to Shine’         and was able to contribute in a much lesser way than usual in the Ceremonies having mentored and guided other younger people to lead the Ceremonies, and lead they did so brilliantly. Both Robin and Rob were on the panel discussion about ‘Relationship’. A highlight of the event was Rob and Robin stepping up together in the Closing Ceremony to hold the energy of Staff and Basket holder for the next gathering. This means they care for the sacred objects that symbolize the Masculine and Feminine and together with a big circle of other wonderful people, organize the next ‘Joining’ for 2019 on the Spring Equinox weekend, held over 3 days. The venue and exact dates will be announced very soon for ‘The Joining …

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Challenge Yourself as a Facilitator or Teacher

How often do you take time to review and renew your course design, your session plan that you work from to present regularly, your meeting agenda design or your event program? Do you tend to repeat the same session over and over or use similar processes to deliver the content you’re working with? Or do you challenge yourself to try new things, throw out the routine curricular or procedure, swap a standard process for a more creative one and dance on the edge of growth and expansion with each new challenge you give yourself? Do you get bored with what you offer to your groups? Are you tired of doing things the same way? Do your participants seem bored or disengaged? Or are your groups, meetings, events and sessions fun and exciting, receiving great feedback and motivating participants to thrive and shine. Do you complete and celebrate a job well …

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New Patreon Support Platform for Robin and Dynamic Groups

Robin and her ‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ team are excitedly preparing to launch a Patreon Page at the beginning of May. The aim is to invite and gather support from everyone globally who appreciates and uses the ‘Dynamic Groups’ methodology or who would welcome the tools, ideas, confidence and processes that Robin’s gathered and developed in 25 years of wisdom gathering while training hundreds, probably thousands, of teachers, facilitators and group leaders.  The support will fund assistance for Robin to finish writing a series of five books on the subject and several e-books and mini books plus audio and pod casts, webinars and creative resources.  Fantastic rewards will be offered for those who become Patrons. They will receive the first book in e-book chapters, written as complete mini books as they become available and many interesting and diverse offerings. The more support there is the quicker the books will become available. Likewise, …

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