‘Gifts For Wild Women’

Cover of 'Gifts For Wild Women' by Robin Clayfield
Cover of the Book and the Book and Card Set

80 Gifts that Women (and gentle men) can give to themselves. Stop and take time out for yourself – what a wild idea???

Queensland Author and Teacher Robin Clayfield has produced this unique book which encourages women to give themselves more love, wisdom and excitement on a regular basis. With a title like ‘Gifts For Wild Women’ it’s bound to appeal to all sorts of women.

Robin feels many women have become so busy juggling their commitments to family, work, community and society that they often don’t remember to give themselves what they need to maintain a healthy mind, body and spirit.

Other women are just beginning to break out of a lifetime of conditioning, suppression or abuse, realizing they need to heal, nurture and re-energize themselves.

Robin’s timely book reminds and entices us to live out our joy, passion, wildness and wisdom in our everyday lives. 80 diverse ideas encourage us to experience love, wisdom and healing in a more fulfilling, unrestrained and vibrant way.

All women could benefit from a little more wildness and wisdom in their lives”, Robin said after her Queensland book launch. 200 women and some 50 men and children, all dressed as wild women, packed the Maleny Community Centre to help celebrate the launch of this important personal healing tool.

Robin is interested in hearing from women who have used wildness and wisdom to heal their lives. She can be contacted on 07 5494 4707 and hopes to add additional ideas to the 80 included in her book. In this way more and more women will hopefully find the joy and passion that can be a natural gift to us all.

“The most important gift we can give each other is the support to love, heal and live our dreams. That’s the essence of my book,” she said, “and I thank the many people who have supported me to do just that.”

Robin Clayfield is an inspiring author, dynamic teacher and passionate social change agent. She has spent the whole of her adult life working in groups, lobbying for social and personal change and training teachers, group leaders and earth carers in Creative Facilitation, Permaculture Design and Personal Empowerment. She has come to realize that all of these things are intimately connected.

“We can’t work effectively for the healing of our world without also healing our wounds of separation, fear, grief, anger and pain. When we give to ourselves gifts of love, nurturing, creativity and adventure we begin to heal. By following our dreams and living our passion we find the strength, support and motivation to become our full amazing selves and dedicate our lives to working for the healing of all around us.

Back Cover
Back Cover of ‘Gifts For Wild Women’

Gifts For Wild Women
Gifts For Wild Women Book and Card Set


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