Inspired by many requests for her recipes while cooking for Permaculture Courses Robin eventually wrote down, not just all her recipes but an abundance of ideas, designs, species lists, suggestions, hints, inspirations, processes, potions and pointers.
A Cook Book for Gardeners, a Gardening Book for Cooks, an Inspirational Sourcebook for all things Permacultureal. |
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‘You Can Have Your Permaculture and Eat It Too’
Permaculture has become increasingly popular as a gardening technique and lifestyle philosophy. Growing one’s own food and creating nutritious meals free of chemicals and additives appeals to more and more people every year. ‘You Can Have Your Permaculture and Eat It Too’ offers readers ‘how to’ advice for designing and creating productive, edible gardens based on Permaculture principles.
This inspiring and motivational reference book is based on 13 years personal experience growing and cooking food, and training people in Permaculture. Originally published in 1996, the print run of 3000 books sold out years ago and was then offered in a photocopied, spiral bound format so people could still access the information. Over 1000 sold in this fashion. Even though Robin wasn’t happy with basic photocopying, it meant the book was still available to interested people. Then, finally a third edition was printed in 2014 and more than half the print run has been sold meaning it’s a ‘Best Seller’ in Australia. Yeah!
The new edition was completely re-edited and reformatted and Robin blitzed the index and it’s now twice the size and much more accessible. A minor revision was done to delete some aspects that no longer felt appropriate and there are six new illustrations.
Even though it was written in the mid 90’s there is still much between the covers that is valuable reading and reference material including chapters on edible flowers, garden cosmetics, weeds and abundant plants, Permaculture foods and even hints for cooking in bulk. After dinner games are included for entertainment upon completion of a meal.
Garden design examples, species lists, tips, diagrams and exercises embellish the text. Hundreds of diverse, delicious and mostly vegetarian recipes offer support for people and plants to achieve a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.
The material is grouped in a logically flowing sequence with the first chapter introducing the principles and ethics of Permaculture as they relate to the garden and the kitchen. Several chapters are then devoted to gardening ‘from the back door out’, beginning with the space right outside the door and eventually exploring larger systems before pest control and cash crops are briefly examined.
The chapters relating to cooking begin with introductory information and personally gleaned tips. General recipes and healthy eating creations make up one third of the recipe chapters, which are followed by more specialist and unusual temptations.
The Titbits chapter towards the end offers a diversity of creative ways to preserve, store, dry, ferment, brew and culture foods along with ideas for seaweed, garden gifts and a sample party menu to go with the after-dinner games.
A garden and kitchen glossary, resource list, recommended reading section and a comprehensive index conclude the book.
The text is written in a very conversational style, having been adapted primarily from lecture notes and recipes. A micro cassette player was used to record additional material, which relayed and detailed personal life experience, tips and suggestions. Many comments have been made over the years regarding the friendly, conversational nature of the book, with people seeing this as an advantage.
Many black and white illustrations are used to demonstrate ideas, give instructions and inspire. Many of the charts, diagrams, illustrations and highlighted text boxes are perennially valuable.
I’m interested in a copy of this book, what are the costs?
Hope to hearing from you soon.
Greetings from elma