“With the creation of the Savour Soil YouTube channel it has allowed us to reach a greater audience and create more content. It allows us to use creative Dynamic facilitation in a different way, pushing the edge outside the comfort zone with what we hope will be a Closer Personal Connection. Helping to make it real!” Michael Wardle – Savour Soil Permaculture Highly recommended by Robin Clayfield as a very clear explanation of these concepts using technology and dynamic group facilitation with great results. The Permaculture Framework Zones & Sectors – Part 1 Zones & Sectors – Part 2 Trees in Permaculture – Fertility
Read More »Kutamullamee Garden and Tours
‘Kuttamullamee’, the 1acre Lot that Robin cares for at Crystal Waters Permaculture EcoVillage, is becoming a Permaculture and creative Social Permaculture wonderland after she, Rob and several volunteers and WWOOFers have put in many hours since COVID began to plan for and work towards creating a biodiverse garden system, water security, fire safety, food security, gully regeneration, earthworks consolidation plus social and recreational spaces. It’s a building site, a deconstruction zone (having pulled down four structures), earthworks mitigation site, roadwork project as well as a once again lush and productive vegie, herb, flower, orchard and fibre garden. When the COVID lockdowns began Robin felt that the most important thing she could be doing is gardening, after a few years away and a time of coming ‘home’ again and building… Clearing the bamboo, weeds, dead trees, weed trees was a huge job. Now the new and retrofitted gardens are at a …
Read More »Mailys Herry’s Feedback from France
I am back in France, back in school as a primary teacher. I try to implement some facilitation techniques you taught during the course. Your wild cards inspire me when preparing my class. As a kinaesthetic, remembering the feeling of your course supports me in going to work and doing my best to share a “dynamic” energy with my pupils despite the stressful conditions. Thank you Robin for the experience and the tools.
Read More »Social Permaculture Course Reflections
The second Social Permaculture Weekend hosted by Robin and I at Crystal Waters Ecovillage in November 2020 was an absolute delight! A rich group came together to explore and understand the application of permaculture principles for the design of social dynamics. Particularly in the context of ‘times of change’, for which 2020 was a great demonstration. The engaging content was met with an equally potent delivery – where the sessions were dynamic, interactive, visual, kinaesthetic and engaging. We sat in circle. Everyone on the same level, with similar access to the information and experience… including us as instructors. Accessible and impactful tools were shared to implement for one’s self, for one’s kin, and for one’s community. We completed with a gentle ritual of acknowledgement and onward visioning to seal the goodness. After a weekend of exploring regenerative social design, combined with the delicious fare served at mealtimes, the group were …
Read More »‘Bushtime’ Experience on the Woodford Folk Festival Land
Woodford Folk Festival didn’t happen over the Christmas/New Year period and so the annual Ceremonies at the Sacred Union Labyrinth led by Robin and friends didn’t happen either. To keep the energy of the site and the staff and patrons alive and flourishing the idea of holding ‘Bushtime’ at Woodfordia was born. Robin was invited to offer a 3 hour ‘Ritual and Ceremony’ workshop at these laid back, lightly programmed bush camping experiences. Surrounded by other diverse and creative workshops, nature and science talks and walks, kids activities, the Lake for swimming, delicious food, fantastic music and relaxed and happy people, it was easy to have a good time. This was able to happen in a COVID safe environment and was designed to cater for up to 1000 people. Robin’s favourite workshop was a ‘Personal Shrine Painting’ two hour workshop with Gavin Ryan, the long standing Artist in Residence who …
Read More »Eco Village Voice Magazine and Community
Robin and many others at Crystal Waters EcoVillage in South East Queensland support resident Michael Ney who has begun producing a world class magazine. Eco Village Voice is an online community featuring a quarterly magazine including videos, podcasts and webinars. Eco Village Voice provides educational articles on many aspects of ecovillage living, as well as encouraging communication between other ecovillages to help each other and for the sake of our planet‘s wellbeing. We aim to celebrate regenerative and permaculture ethics – care for land, care for people and fair share. Here’s the website for more information. Members have full access to our magazine in PDF downloads, as well as web pages with all the articles AND a web flip page viewer. Also includes podcasts and webinars plus our video channel. Valid for 1 year access. $5 USD per month x 10 paid upfront. = $50 USD annually. Two months free …
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