DaDarrr! Introducing to the world ELFy the Magician – mascot, champion and colourful jigsaw puzzle symbol for Robin’s ‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ methodology.
The magician represents all the elements which together create healthy, happy and successful groups, teams and learning environments. Robin expresses much gratitude to her amazing partner Rob Clark for creating this stunning artwork and for backing her, her passion and her purpose in the world so beautifully. Robin also acknowledges Monica Monero from Spain for her original design of the magician several years ago and for creating the animation on the YouTube clip that presents the methodology.
The clip has had just on 7000 views and has carried out into the world the concept that ‘Magic Happens in Dynamic Groups and Learning Happens Easily’.
Now the magician takes a new, more 3 dimensional form and the methodology becomes more fleshed out and documented in the manuscript for Robin’s next book, due for release in mid 2016.