• 'Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning' Creative teachers, Facilitators and Group Leaders Courses

    6 day trainings, shorter workshops and consultancy

  • Robin's Full Re-edited, Reformatted 3rd Edition Book

    Now over 5000 copies sold

  • Robin's New Dynamic Groups Book Due for Release Mid 2016

    Robin's partner Rob Clark has just produced a stunning flier about it

  • Brand New 'Permaculture Principles Card Game'

    PLUS 'Creative Process Wild Cards'

  • Introducing ELFy The Magician to the World

    DaDarrr! Mascot, champion and colourful jigsaw puzzle symbol for Dynamic Groups

  • 'The Love Feast' Dynamic Relationships Retreat and Methodology

    Shorter workshops and private couples sessions available

Recent Posts

Only ‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ Training in Australia this Year

Robin Clayfield is celebrating over 21 years of training teachers, facilitators, trainers,  presenters and group leaders. She is writing it all down and indulging in a partial sabbatical time so will only be offering one ‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ Creative Facilitation and Teacher Training this year. dynamic groups logo

It will be a 6 day residential intensive adventure and not to be missed if you’ve been waiting awhile to do one of Robin’s highly acclaimed and respected courses.

13th to 18th October 2014

at Crystal Waters Eco-Village in SE Queensland

Click here to view a poster for the course

There is a ‘Sliding Scale’ for payment, concession prices and payment plans available.

Permaculture Book Reprinted after 12 years Out of Print

Robin Clayfield’s classic book ‘You Can Have Your Permaculture and Eat It Too’ has finally been reprinted. It’s had a thorough re-edit, been completely re-formatted and had a partial content upgrade bringing all the information up to date. The Index is now twice the size, there’s 6 new illustrations and the amazing Rob Clark has re-designed the cover which looks really classy with a matt finish. The book was first published 17 years ago and contains 13 years of Robin’s life. She spent over a year drawing much of the info out of her head into the manuscript. The print run all sold out and for 12 years now has only been available as a photocopied version.

See a 20 page taster of the book in the shop now or buy the book from the web site shop by clicking this link. It’s also available from this website as an e-book supplied via Dropbox. Click the link above to purchase it that way.

As well as coming back as a quality product, it’s now also available as an e-book through Amazon and other sites.

Click here to go to the book on Amazon

A ‘Print-On-Demand version for people outside Australia will be available early next year.

Last ‘The Love Feast’ Relationship Retreat for 2013

Say YES to yourself and your most special relationship. Here’s the FaceBook invite for our last Retreat for this year. It’s one of the most powerful and healing things I’m involved with. I’d love for you to join us and take the many gifts you’ll receive home to your families and community 🙂

Click here to go to the FaceBook page

or book here through the web site shop

Robin Clayfield Interview in Canada 2013 – Dynamic Groups

Published on Sep 6, 2013

This is Robin Clayfield from Australia explaining her progression from teaching Permaculture, to a specialization of aiding group dynamics to function better by embracing creative techniques.

Group Energizers

Have you ever gone to sleep in a class, lecture or meeting? More importantly, have participants in your groups gone to sleep or looked bleary eyed and started yawning? This is a signal, not to go faster and try and get through copious notes more quickly, but to have a break of some kind. 

A Variety of Ways to TAKE A BREAK…

* The obvious one is to have a tea break. Preferably offering fruit, filtered water, juice and healthy light snacks. Too much sugar and heavy cakes can give a sugar spike to the blood sugar followed by a big drop in energy later on.

* Change chairs and visit an open window on the way. Take 3 deep breaths of the fresh air

* All stand up and have a big stretch and a yawn by massaging the jaw

* Use any ‘Cross-Crawling’ activity. Have a look at some of these free Brain Gym activities http://sspw.dpi.wi.gov/files/sspw/pdf/sascevanshandouts.pdf

* Juggle or throw a ball around the room for 5 minutes

* Drink a glass of cold water

* Give yourself an ear massage from the top of the earlobe down, rolling the ear out as you go down. This helps switch on the hearing if you’re sitting in an auditory presentation or wanting people to listen well.

* Change activities or brake into small groups

* Throw in a story with humour involved

* All the Group can act out the information being covered or be involved in creating a model of it. Find some way for people to use their bodies actively.

* Play an Energizer or active group game or process. One of my favourites is ‘Big Animals, Little Animals’ from our ‘Manual for Teaching Permaculture Creatively’. ( https://dynamicgroups.com.au/shop/#!/~/product/category=2749073&id=11984875 )

Here’s the instructions – BIG ANIMALS, LITTLE ANIMALS

This is a very active game that really needs to be played inside on a soft  floor in a room with few breakable items (it  can be very boisterous). We’ve also played it outside in a garden full of trees and other hidie holes. It is simple – divide the group  into halves,  explain to one half that they are “BIG, HUNGRY,  FEROCIOUS ANIMALS”, the other group are “small, tiny, timid, delicious to eat animals“. “Now GO!”

 After a few minutes of mayhem (remember play fighting when you were a child ?) yell for them to “STOP” and explain that everyone is to swap roles and “GO  AGAIN”.  This allows a bit of  friendly revenge and balances up the energy. De-Role at the end by shaking off the body and says one;s real name a few times. 

Magic Happens in Dynamic Groups

Magic Happens in ‘Dynamic Groups’ and Learning Happens Easily. Why is that so?

It’s been an exciting and rewarding journey for Robin Clayfield since she first began Teaching Permaculture Creatively in 1990. She and Skye (now from Brazil) had taught a 2 week Permaculture Design Course the year before, using lecturing, small group work, demonstrations, hands-on garden and design exercises and other standard educational practises. That’s how they’d been taught through school, Uni and in their Permaculture course as students.

The course went very well, people were inspired and learnt lots, though they reported a sense of ‘information overload’. It also didn’t feel right to Skye and Robin that they were teaching Soils to Soil scientists and Building Design to Architects. Many interesting discussions followed and the next course saw ‘Needs Based Learning’  implemented and ‘Creative Facilitation’ of relevant, diverse and empowering activities, many developed especially for the people in the course. The feedback was very encouraging. The journey had begun.

After a couple of years many requests for mentoring and  teaching a special course to share their ideas and processes had been received. They had also been asked repeatedly to write down some of the processes so others could duplicate them…. The first ‘Advanced Permaculture Creative Teachers Facilitation’ Course was run and in 1994 the ‘Manual for Teaching Permaculture Creatively’ was published.

Robin now offers the ‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ methodology and training course to people from all industries, sector and walks of life and learning. It is an evolution of this original work, gleaning 24 years of experience, creativity, reflection, research and input from participants in hundreds of courses. She gets virtually 100% positive feedback in written and verbal evaluations and glowing testimonials. Why does this course achieve such fantastic feedback? How does it empower participants to build their confidence and skills so easily and successfully? What creates the magic? 

Piecing together 8 essential elements which together create a Dynamic Group, culminating in a positive and highly successful learning experience.

The Magician helps us put those pieces together.

* Be Grounded in Healthy and Appropriate Ethics and Principles, even things as simple and essential as ‘Duty of Care’. Think about what your Ethics and Principles are that may apply to groups you’re facilitating or involved with.

* Have Shared Goals and Vision as a Group. Think about the common understandings that would support your group to work together and solve problems together.

* Empowerment of the participants through working in a circle, using collaborative group experiences, processes and opportunities and having a positive learning (and participation) self image is very important.

* Use Creative Processes rather than lecturing and other non-participatory methods. Introduce activities that cater to everyone’s learning style, help keep the brain alert and that support memory retention.

* Use Interactive, Participatory Processes. Engagement of participants leads to motivation, enjoyment and increased learning plus a greater sense of achievement as everyone’s input is included and valued.

* Develop the Art and Skill of Facilitation so that learning happens easily rather than being handed down in teaching style lectures or talks. This also involves creative problem solving in groups, using interesting content and techniques, developing confidence and good planning and preparation.

* Expand your Tool Box of Creative Interactive processes for Group Dynamics, Learning Content Sessions, Meetings and Discussions, Evaluations, Completions and Celebrations. Do you have ‘IceBreakers, Energizers, Name Games and Grouping processes in your tool box? How many trust building activities do you know? Can you support a group to use both sides of their brain in a diversity of fun and easy ways?

* Develop Support Systems and Create a Supportive Learning Environment for your Participants and Yourself. Putting a system of Buddies in place so people don’t miss out on learning and encouraging Mentors are two examples. Having great food provided and adequate breaks are other examples as is offering a safe and comfortable learning and group work environment.

When all this is in place people are motivated, they are learning easily or achieving the group task and they are having fun. If the group is involved in a course or learning situation add a few more pieces to the puzzle…

* Consider Cycles and Patterns of Learning.  Introduce ‘Accelerated Learning’ techniques (see http://www.acceleratedlearning.com/index.html ) and use Planning cycles and concepts like ‘Implement, Review, Improve’.

* Ensure Multi-Sensory Learning is in place. Rather than using lecturing and other mostly auditory techniques also involve Visual and Kinaesthetic ways of presenting and gathering information and learning.

* Use Inspiring Content. Make sure it’s relevant and addresses the needs of the learner or participant rather than being something they aren’t interested in or haven’t asked to learn about. Keep up to date and offer current information that’s well researched.

 * Maintain a Positive Attitude. Include appropriate humour and use fun, relaxing and motivating processes and activities. Find ways to affirm the positive self image of all the participants.

Have a look at the 4 minute movie of the ‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ Methodology on YouTube if you’d like to watch the magician put all the pieces of the puzzle together. 

‘Like’ it, Share it on FaceBook or other Social Media then tell Robin you’ve done that and receive a $50 discount on her next ‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ Creative Facilitators Training in Sth East Q’ld, 26th to 31st August.