‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ annual Crystal Waters course in May this year

Robin’s annual and much appreciated creative teachers, facilitators and group leaders six day residential intensive course will be held from 19th to 24th May and will be a little warmer than the mid-winter course last year. The fire will still be going when needed and the food will be delicious and nutritious as always, when Donna is in the kitchen.

Robin often gets asked the question “Is this an appropriate course for me as I haven’t done any teaching or facilitation and I’m just starting out. Will I be out of my depth?”

In response, the 6 days builds skills and experience slowly so everyone is on the same with the foundations, methodology and culture of group work and learning. There’s enough new or cutting edge information to keep experienced teachers and facilitators engaged and adding to their notes and tool boxes. In fact, all contribute to the shared learning for all and this grows over the time together. One trained and practicing teacher gave the feedback about a 2 day Intro version of this course saying “I got more out of this weekend than my whole teaching degree”.

At the same time it also supports people just making the first steps in group work and presenting on any topic. It gives many creative and interactive learning tools and processes along with confidence and planning skills and helps people step out of a more conventional lecture or PowerPoint style of presenting and into developing creative, effective and inspiring sessions, programs, meetings and events.

Please don’t be shy to ask for a Concession place, Payment plan options or more information.

Here’s a link to contact Robin by email to enquire or book

And here’s the FaceBook Event with lots of details

About Robin Clayfield

Robin Clayfield is an international teacher, facilitator and author who is passionate about healthy groups, organisations and communities, their structures and governance and most importantly, their facilitation and group dynamics. She presents and consults all around the world to support global health, well-being and whole systems change through using Permaculture, Social Permaculture and ‘Dynamic Groups’ methodology. Robin is a Permaculture Pioneer and Elder who has lived at Crystal Waters Permaculture Eco-Village in SE Queensland, Australia since 1988. Her books and resources include ‘You Can Have Your Permaculture and Eat It Too’, ‘The New Permaculture Principles Card Game’, ‘The Creative Community Governance and Decision Making Resource Kit’ and the ‘Creative Process Wild Cards’. She is also the co-auther (with Skye in 1995) of ‘The Manual for Teaching Permaculture Creatively’ plus several resources and card games for teachers and facilitators.

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