‘Dynamic Groups’ Creative Facilitation Course Feedback

“Hi Robin
Remember we (Ruth and Tommy) did both the Permaculture Design Course and the Facilitators Course with you in …. Oct/Nov 1994 I think it was. 
Since then my life has gone in perhaps a different direction, as I realised my skills are in working with people rather than with plants.
So now I am a holistic counsellor offering various vibrational energy based ways of helping others, plus I run small groups offering similar skills – either self care or practitioner skills
I also taught at Sophia College for a while, teaching people to become holistic counsellors.
In all my work I have been significantly influenced by what I learned with you on those courses, especially the facilitators course. So much so, that really I just take your approach ‘for granted’ – take it as normal.
All my work that I offer is experiential in nature, actively engaging the people in their own process
Staying clear of intellectualising as much as possible, engaging the wholeness of the person.
I learned to do this with you.
I can’t imagine any other way of being now.
Occasionally I end up at some lecture where the teacher is not behaving like this and I am so bored!
But I think this is still the norm out there maybe?
So I feel very fortunate to have done those courses with you back then.
And the fact I engage with live plants very infrequently – I still gained so much in terms of helping others,
and by that helping the planet in a way that matches my skills.
Also of course those 3 weeks we spent with you at Crystal Waters were personally so empowering and transforming for me. At the end of them I felt I could do anything!!!
While that feeling hasn’t persisted (!) life being a continuing growth challenge – still the transformation has been forever:) Probably without attending your courses I never would have dreamt of doing what I do now
Outside of my previous thought boxes of constraint and into who I truly am:):)
Oh well that’s a continuing journey too, but those 3 weeks spent with you were a huge and significant leap towards my potential. 
I guess that’s part of it, you helped me to see I had so much more potential than I dared to dream of,
And that you showed us how to bring this out in others too.
Thanks…. really thanks:)
Love Ruth”

About Robin Clayfield

Robin Clayfield is an international teacher, facilitator and author who is passionate about healthy groups, organisations and communities, their structures and governance and most importantly, their facilitation and group dynamics. She presents and consults all around the world to support global health, well-being and whole systems change through using Permaculture, Social Permaculture and ‘Dynamic Groups’ methodology. Robin is a Permaculture Pioneer and Elder who has lived at Crystal Waters Permaculture Eco-Village in SE Queensland, Australia since 1988. Her books and resources include ‘You Can Have Your Permaculture and Eat It Too’, ‘The New Permaculture Principles Card Game’, ‘The Creative Community Governance and Decision Making Resource Kit’ and the ‘Creative Process Wild Cards’. She is also the co-auther (with Skye in 1995) of ‘The Manual for Teaching Permaculture Creatively’ plus several resources and card games for teachers and facilitators.

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