Dylan Changes Teaching Style After ‘Dynamic Groups’ Course

It’s early Feb 2021 and it’s almost a year since I did the Dynamic Groups facilitation workshop. Since then, I felt more confident to take way more risk in my Permaculture teaching. Many times in the past, I have used a PowerPoint to do a 9-4pm Introduction to Permaculture course and so I challenged myself to ditch the laptop altogether, and plan only interactive activities with me as a facilitator only and not THE teacher. This was risky because one doesn’t know the students, they don’t know each other, and what if I cannot guide them in covering all the content in the allotted time!?  They started in pairs introducing themselves and then introducing their partner to the whole group. In pairs again they came up with a definition of permaculture. The essence of these were shared on to a board. Even though this was an Intro workshop, I only …

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Facilitation, Teaching and Group Leadership 2021

Hello Wonderful Community and Heart Centred Practitioners. Many of you know the core work Robin offers in the world. As well as Permaculture, her key focus and offering is the ‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ courses, workshops, writings and educational resources. She feels very strongly that to support our world, our communities and positive change in education, the environment, social and political challenges etc we need people who are well skilled and trained in facilitation and group work. Groups form the basis of much positive action and community building. Education creates the backbone of new foundations and for learning a positive, peaceful and powerful way forward for our children, youth and also adults needing more tools, ideas and purpose. If our groups are well facilitated and work easily together, they are more effective at meeting their purpose and everything works out better for everyone, including all the people who benefit from …

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Healthy Groups, Healthy People, Healthy Planet- Social Permaculture for Times of Change

Robin Clayfield and Erin Young will be offering their annual Social Permaculture Weekend on 12th and 13th September 2020 with this relevant and potent theme. Healthy Groups, Healthy People, Healthy Planet – Social Permaculture for Times of Change. In these potent and changing times, the healthy functioning of our groups, communities and ourselves is vital to provide resilient and cohesive responses for a better world. Social Permaculture uses natural patterns, cycles, rhythms and influences to guide how we care for self, kin and community. When groups, learning environments and social systems apply permaculture principles, they work effectively and harmoniously together toward their aim and purpose, benefiting our world. Robin Clayfield pioneers Social Permaculture globally; a respected facilitator, author and elder, creatively and passionately contributing to a healthy planet. Erin Young is a facilitator & coach of holistic leadership and group design; helping both individuals and collectives to be adaptive, responsive …

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Colour Codes for Activities and Elements of the ‘Dynamic Teaching and Facilitation’ Book Series

The Design for the book series is well under way and Mini-Book I is in progress with formatting, proof reading and last additions. It is soon to be edited before the final layout and design is completed. A colour coding system has been designed to easily show readers all the activities. They will certainly stand out from the general text, having a distinct heading and delightful background colouring and design. The various Processes described in the book will have their own unique heading and design, as will the quotes and the visualisations which are sprinkled throughout. This image is an example of the Activity Coding, though it hasn’t had words typed over the background.

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Beautiful Artwork, Design and Formatting will add Colour and Flare to the ‘Dynamic Teaching and Facilitation’ Book

Robin’s long awaited first book in the ‘Dynamic Teaching and Facilitation’ series has now gone to four proofreaders and three general readers for their review and feedback. In it’s fourth draft and being ‘The Foundations’,  it’s taken awhile to get it right.  Beautiful Artwork by Brenna Quinlan and Meg Clark’s Design and Formatting Work will add Colour and Flare to Robin’s New Book Brenna was commissioned to create seven ‘Art Maps’ to grace the beginning of seven of the main chapters. They are ‘Mind Maps’ but with the words transformed into art. The delightful and soft pastel colours that Brenna is famous for has given designer and formatter Meg an additional theme to incorporate into the creative touches and elements of the book. The image shown is for the ‘Ethics, Principles, Values and Needs’ chapter and shows all the topic headings covered in the chapter. To find out more or …

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