A big Overseas adventure is in the wind with Robin heading to the UK for IPC12, the International Permaculture Conference and Convergence, in September. Robin’s been accepted to present at the big public conference in London with her topic ‘Designing our Global Education Systems using Permaculture Principles’. Here’s the blurb – Imagine a world where children grow up respecting and learning from nature, growing food and tending animals, meeting and co-creating in a natural and easy way together, having fun, loving learning and feeling good about themselves all through their journey to adulthood and beyond. Imagine adults meeting in circle, in community, in government and boardrooms, actively listening to each other, co-creating a positive world and making decisions together in a way that everyone contributes and feels empowered. Decision making, planning, designing and visioning happen easily and for the best good of the group or organisation. Problems transform into useful and inspiring solutions and all decisions, plans and actions respect the earth and all peoples. This happens comfortably as if it has always been so. Permaculture Principles are inherent in our society and integrated in every aspect of life and living. The time for a creative, empowering and globally adopted education system, based on Permaculture design principles and ‘Dynamic Groups’ methodology is here, now.
Robin will run a workshop at the Convergence which follows the Conference for 5 days, launch two new card games and possibly the ‘Jumping’ process to support the completion of the gathering.
She’ll also be part of a team called Permacultures Next Big Step. They’ve been meeting monthly via internet conferencing since IPC11 in Cuba, December 2013. Their persistence and hard work will culminate in several facilitated sessions to support Permaculture globally to be able to respond to it’s people and world issues more easily and strategically.
There are many edge events before and after IPC12. Robin will be offering her ‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ course as a 5 day training with Looby MacNamara as a special guest facilitator. Looby is the author of the ‘People and Permaculture’ book and is organising the course for Robin. Here’s the FaceBook Event link
With Looby from UK, Starhawk from US, Robina McCurdy from NZ and Peter Cow from UK/Europe Robin will be facilitating a 5 day ‘Social Permaculture’ course which promises to be very full, exciting and collaborative with many gifts and tools for everyone to take home. Here’s the FaceBook Event link
Several of the Edge Event courses, including both of Robin’s have been included in the 2nd Planetary Permaculture Pilgrimage pioneered by Delvin Solkinson from Canada. This gives a beautiful profile to her events and support and encourages younger people wanting to learn from Permaculture Pioneers to attend.
So, Wow! Lots going on during the 5 week time away including a 4 day side trip to Spain to visit RuMi, who was Robin’s right hand support person for a year in 2012/13 which will involve offering a 1 day workshop PLUS a support role with Robina McCurdy on her 3 day Earth-Spirit Nature Connection Workshop in Wales at Lammas Community from 27th to 30th August. Yum !
Please help us let people in Europe know about all this as well as others travelling to UK for the International Permaculture Convergence. Thank you.