Robin and her ‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ team are excitedly preparing to launch a Patreon Page at the beginning of May. The aim is to invite and gather support from everyone globally who appreciates and uses the ‘Dynamic Groups’ methodology or who would welcome the tools, ideas, confidence and processes that Robin’s gathered and developed in 25 years of wisdom gathering while training hundreds, probably thousands, of teachers, facilitators and group leaders.
The support will fund assistance for Robin to finish writing a series of five books on the subject and several e-books and mini books plus audio and pod casts, webinars and creative resources.
Fantastic rewards will be offered for those who become Patrons. They will receive the first book in e-book chapters, written as complete mini books as they become available and many interesting and diverse offerings. The more support there is the quicker the books will become available. Likewise, the more support there is the more Robin will be able to pay Erin Young to assist with development and communication and Rob Clark to work on the graphics and design for the books.
The hugest reward for Robin and all who applaud her work will be the completion and distribution of the books to the benefit of thousands of people globally and hopefully a positive and creative shift in education, facilitation and training globally.
Stay tuned for the launch and express interest to robin by email on