ONGO supports people to learn elements of NVC, especially empathy and deep listening, exploring needs and feelings and working together and with oneself to practice healthful communication and a more Zen way of living our daily lives.
These are particularly good skills to have when being on Boards, Committees, in business teams or being in any kind of relationship.
It involves working through a beautifully written book called ‘ONGO: Everyday nonviolence’ by Catherine Cadden, Jesse Wiens with illustrations by Kate Raffin. There is one group meeting per week, one meeting with a ‘Buddy’ per week and some personal practices to do each week on 5 of the days, though many of these take only a short time and some take some focus and time.
I found the journey very valuable, especially the practice of empathy when in communication with another.
There is an ONGO group planning to start at Crystal Waters on Tuesday 30th April and will run for 12 week each Tuesday night.
Anyone can start their own ONGO group, you just need the book to guide the process. May you feel courageous enough to gather some friends and community and start one, for everyone’s best good and personal ongoing mental and emotional resilience.