Robin spent a full 5 weeks in August and September 2015 on an amazingly full and fruitful adventure to UK and Spain, presenting courses in three countries, attending the International Permaculture Conference and Convergence, offering workshops there and also on the core facilitation team for an exciting global Permaculture initiative called Permaculture’s Next Big Step. She came home exhausted yet deeply satisfied at the response to her work and managed to cover the costs of her trip and sell lots of books, manuals and training resources that went home to dozens of different countries. One outcome is invitations to offer her ‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ Creative Facilitation and Teacher Training course in something like 7 European countries and the UK again in the middle months of 2017.

Her trip began in the Mediterranean, on the Spanish island of Mallorca where she was hosted by PermaMed to run a one day Creative Facilitation workshop. RuMi had made the invitation three years previously so it was a joyous day to finally connect these two dynamic women.
Next stop was the Sustainability Centre in Hampshire, England to offer ‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ as a five day training for dedicated Permaculture people, with Looby Macnamara, author of ‘People and Permaculture’ as her special guest facilitator.

A quick trip to Wales saw Robin spend less than two fabulous and very interesting days at Lamas Community, the first legal Eco-village in UK. Robin was there to support her friend Robin McCurdy from NZ present an Earth Nature Spirit Workshop. While there resident and natural house builder Jasmin Dale and Robin celebrated their reconnection after 15 years since Jasmine did her PDC with Robin in Australia.

Back at the Sustainability Center Robin linked up with Starhawk (US), Looby (UK), Robina (NZ) and Peter Cow (UK) to facilitate a five day Social Permaculture course, joined by 40 participants and several staff from the center. Wow! This certainly was a full, rich and powerful time.
Watch some of the highlights here.
The IPC UK (International Permaculture Convergence) attracted people from approximately 60 to 70 countries who spent two days in central London at the Conference and five days in Essex for the Convergence. Highlights for Robin were catching up with many old and new friends, launching her new ‘Permaculture Principles Card Game’ to a very appreciative audience and facilitating with StarHawk, Jennifer English, Andy Goldring and others as the core facilitation team to support Permaculture to be more able to strategically respond to global issues and challenges.

Called Permaculture’s Next Big Step Initiative, Robin greatly enjoyed the culmination of 15 months Skype meetings across several countries in the lead-up and finally being able to weave in many other keen Permaculture practitioners in the five afternoon sessions on topical themes and interests.
Robin’s trip ended with two relaxing, informative and beautifully hosted days with Jo Barker in Canterbury, recouping and visiting and eating from forest gardens she’d designed and implemented.

Jo did an ‘Advanced Permaculture Creative Teachers Facilitation course with Robin and Skye 17 years previously when they were in UK training teachers so this was a great way to reconnect and complete such and awesome journey so many years later. Jo’s speciality is following up with her clients and together picking as many edible salad ingredients as possible to share a meal together. Her previous record was 80 something and on this occasion all records were broken and a massive 127 ingredients were picked from the back yard Forest Garden visited. As you can see from the photo there were many edible flowers and from all accounts the lunch was absolutely delicious.