Hello Wonderful Community and Heart Centred Practitioners. Many of you know the core work Robin offers in the world. As well as Permaculture, her key focus and offering is the ‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ courses, workshops, writings and educational resources. She feels very strongly that to support our world, our communities and positive change in education, the environment, social and political challenges etc we need people who are well skilled and trained in facilitation and group work. Groups form the basis of much positive action and community building. Education creates the backbone of new foundations and for learning a positive, peaceful and powerful way forward for our children, youth and also adults needing more tools, ideas and purpose. If our groups are well facilitated and work easily together, they are more effective at meeting their purpose and everything works out better for everyone, including all the people who benefit from …
Read More »PDC Permaculture Design Certificate Course 30th March to 13th April
Come join us for our next Permaculture Design Course at Crystal Waters Permaculture Ecovillage for two weeks of immersive and inspiring learning. All the key information is on the website and you can see a glimpse here with a photo taken during the PDC last August. More info is here
Read More »‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’ annual Crystal Waters course in May this year
Robin’s annual and much appreciated creative teachers, facilitators and group leaders six day residential intensive course will be held from 19th to 24th May and will be a little warmer than the mid-winter course last year. The fire will still be going when needed and the food will be delicious and nutritious as always, when Donna is in the kitchen. Robin often gets asked the question “Is this an appropriate course for me as I haven’t done any teaching or facilitation and I’m just starting out. Will I be out of my depth?” In response, the 6 days builds skills and experience slowly so everyone is on the same with the foundations, methodology and culture of group work and learning. There’s enough new or cutting edge information to keep experienced teachers and facilitators engaged and adding to their notes and tool boxes. In fact, all contribute to the shared learning …
Read More »Gathering of WellBeing Workshop with a Spiral Labyrinth Walk
The first weekend in March saw the second ‘Gathering of WellBeing’ which Robin and partner Rob were on the inaugural organising committee the year prior. This year was a wonderful success with nearly 100 people in attendance. Workshops, Ceremony, Affinity Groups, Dance, Song, Cabaret and immersion in a wild nature place all contributed to a wonderful deep and enriching weekend. Robin was an Affinity group leader for the weekend and also ran a workshop entitled ‘Journey to the Heart of Community’. In her workshop, for the finale, participants walked a Spiral Labyrinth to transform anything getting in the way of being in one’s heart to live and be more fully in the heart of community.
Read More »Alsahwa Farm Launch and Open Weekend with Robin’s Intro to Permaculture Design Workshop
A new Retreat style venue and productive farm is being created in Doonan, up near Noosa. Robin has been invited to create a ‘Kitchen Garden’ Plan to be implemented in 2025 and to offer an ‘Introduction to Permaculture Design’ on Sunday 28th April. Here’s the link for more info and to book
Read More »Testimonials from the July 2023 Dynamic Groups Course
“Amazing diverse course that has expanded my creative toolbox to facilitate in any scenario. Highly Recommended”. Carl Community Development “Robin’s Dynamic Groups Course is the gold standard in Facilitation education”. Gavin Hardy “Robin’s many years of experience are on full display in this course. She cracks open the possibilities of what it means to facilitate and teach groups, and with her ethical undertones, people leave this course better equipped to make the world a better place. Be prepared for fun, laughs and a new way of seeing groups”. Brenna Quinlan “This course has appealed to me for a while and I am so grateful for the experience. I feel so inspired and well equipped with many tools and creative processes to facilitate group dynamics. The journey has been empowering to feel the ability of engauging participants in interactive learning. Kiera Douglas Primary School Teacher, Yoga …
Read More »PDC at Crystal Waters in August from 11th to 25th
The scheduled March 2024 PDC (Permaculture Design Certificate Course) was postponed till August to make the most of time, resources and numbers of interested people, which included three people from overseas countries. The PDC last August was fantastic and enjoyed by all and this coming August PDC, from 11th to 25th August is promising to be a fantastic learning experience. The course is a fund raiser for Crystal Waters Community Cooperative with all organisers, presenters, cooks and support people being paid reasonably for their time and efforts, and all surplus going to the Co Op. The main Presenters and Facilitators of learning are Robin Clayfield, Annaliese Hordern, Max Lingdigger and Jessica Steele with guest appearances from several other skilled and passionate people. Robin and Max are Permaculture pioneers and acknowledged Elders of the Permaculture Movement with decades of experience teaching, presenting and facilitating Permaculture and related topics. Max was the …
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