Here’s a lovely unsolicited email received last week with great things to say about attending Robin’s Creative Facilitators course from back in the mid 90’s.
“Hi Robin,
It was great to see you again and to be at Crystal Waters.It’s amazing how many years ago it was since we did the courses with you.
After I saw you it occurred to me to say how much influence the ‘Dynamic Groups’ course had on the way I came to eventually facilitate groups myself.
In 1994 I had no expectation of ever doing that but since 2007 I guess I have been facilitating groups!!!
Always therapy or spiritually based, including for a while I taught at the counselling college where I myself trained, Sophia College and I taught Bush Flower essences for Ian White for a while too.
On reflection my surprising ability to do this was certainly inspired by what we did with you 🙂“
Ruth Donnelly. Holistic Counsellor, HeartMind Connections