Robin’s excited to let you know about the Social Permaculture Weekend coming up at Crystal Waters Eco-Village on 10th and 11th September. Occasionally she offers a one day version when invited by interested groups. Last year she was part of the facilitation team for a five day Social Permaculture course in England with Starhawk, Robina McCurdy, Looby Macnamara and Peter Cow. 45 participants received the benefits of these experienced and passionate Permaculture educators.
Robina McCurdy is visiting Australia for a couple of months so Robin’s grabbed the opportunity and invited her to collaborate and offer this one off weekend experience and exploration of Social Permaculture.
It will especially appeal and be useful for anyone working in group situations, from course and group leaders and facilitators to transition group participants, workplace teams, community groups, social enterprises, even families.
Topics will include:-
- What is Social Permaculture?
- Using the Principles of Permaculture and applying them to social change and social design
- Building group effectiveness and supporting the purpose of your group
- Group dynamics, group culture and group work skills
- Group and personal ‘Inputs and Outputs’, Zones and Sectors
- Motivation and confidence to act for change and be involved in group activities
- Interactive experience and group communication skills
email robin@earthcare.com.au to register or for more information