Woodford Labyrinth Instillation and Ceremonies

The Labyrinth Light Up for a Night Time Ceremony

The annual build of The Sacred Union Labyrinth by 14 people over the week prior to Woodford Folk festival, coordinated by Robin and organized by a core group of four – Christine, Stephane, Rob and Robin, went very well despite extreme heat and then some rain.

The front entrance to the Labyrinth received a new mural art paint job, the guiding pennants got a solidifying make over and a quarter of the stone Labyrinth had some major drainage work done by hand!!! This drainage work turned out to be much needed due to rains during the Festival with thousands of people walking through the pathways then heavy, consistent rain on our pack down day.

The New Front Entrance Down on the Street

Huge thank you to our Build Crew team and for Woodford Folk Festival for supporting us as a mini Department and Volunteers. Also big gratitude to Woodford Programming Department for supporting us as a Ceremony team (4 of us mostly – Robin Clayfield, Christine Clegg, Rob Clark, Stephane Cazard plus help from Raven, Caity, Britta and Brady) and our live band for the Ceremonies – (Andy Copeman, Rebekah Ray, Dave Rotherham and Natalie Richy) and for engauging the five acts who performed or presented in the space – Medicine Man Music (Andy Copeman and Laurel Hefferon), Olivia Rosebery, Heather Price with Michelle Neithe, Djuelu the Village Scribe (Rob Clark) and Rising Waves (Yoav, Steve and Caroline).

Such a diverse and beautiful festival and so many things to treasure, every time.

About Robin Clayfield

Robin Clayfield is an international teacher, facilitator and author who is passionate about healthy groups, organisations and communities, their structures and governance and most importantly, their facilitation and group dynamics. She presents and consults all around the world to support global health, well-being and whole systems change through using Permaculture, Social Permaculture and ‘Dynamic Groups’ methodology. Robin is a Permaculture Pioneer and Elder who has lived at Crystal Waters Permaculture Eco-Village in SE Queensland, Australia since 1988. Her books and resources include ‘You Can Have Your Permaculture and Eat It Too’, ‘The New Permaculture Principles Card Game’, ‘The Creative Community Governance and Decision Making Resource Kit’ and the ‘Creative Process Wild Cards’. She is also the co-auther (with Skye in 1995) of ‘The Manual for Teaching Permaculture Creatively’ plus several resources and card games for teachers and facilitators.

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